Why does Verto Kitchens use 2pac over vinyl wrap

Both 2Pac and vinyl wrap are used for the same purpose and provide similar-looking results. It gives the
cabinet that seamless look as there are no joins visible. While melamine is fused together so the joins are
What is Vinyl Wrap?
Vinyl wrap kitchen doors also known as thermo-laminated doors are manufactured from an MDF panel that has been cut, routed and profiled as per the desired style, and then the whole panel is sprayed with glue and cover with vinyl that is pressed to the door using both heat and vacuum. The vinyl usually wraps all around the kitchen door, meaning there are no joins.
What is 2Pac?
2PAC is in essence a painted finish, which allows you the freedom to select any paint colour you wish. You can therefore colour-match paints on nearby walls, feature cladding, or other items within the home. 2PAC comes in 3 different gloss levels 100% (gloss), 60% (Semi-gloss/Silk), or 30% (Satin) gloss. Certain things can only be done with 2PAC such as the j-mold handless system or decorative paneling.
So Why Do We Choose to Use 2Pac Over Vinyl Wrap?
Paint is much more customisable with all the different colour options, as well as the option to create your
custom colour. Paint will last much longer than a vinyl wrap.
Cons to Vinyl Wrap
- Edges can peel if exposed to excessive heat– Something to keep in mind when purchasing vinyl wrapped doors is to ensure they won’t be exposed to excessive heat as it can cause the vinyl to peel and shrink. You can purchase and install heat deflector strips to prevent excessive heat from damaging your vinyl doors. Any cabinets near high heat such as the oven and cooktop will start to peel.
- Orange peel effect – Because vinyl wrapped doors are sprayed with glue this causes some gloss levels to show an ‘orange peel effect’. This effect is more common in higher gloss finishes and vinyl doors with a recessed design. Some people don’t notice the orange peel effect on vinyl wrapped doors and this isn’t visible on textured finishes.
- Vinyl wrap will considerably show its age and develop a lot of dirt, this means you’ll have to clean it fairly often.
- it is also less durable, so it would need to be replaced more often than you would have to repaint the cupboards. This can end up being quite the hassle later on down the line when you’re having to replace it every couple of months. Whereas paint when applied properly can last many years before needing to be reapplied.
If you would like an inhouse free measure and design on the Gold Coast, give Verto Kitchens a call. Kitchen Renovations Gold Coast | Showroom, Suppliers | Verto Kitchens